- 1 hora
- 350
- 350
- 2 horas
- não
- não
- pernoite
- não
- não
- Massagem
- Massagem profissional
- Massagem erótica
- Massagem urológica
- Massagem tailandesa
- Massoterapia
- Massagem com quatro mãos
- Massagem esportiva
- Massagem relaxante
- Filial de Sakura
- Striptease
- Striptease
- Dança do ventre
- Lesbian
- Esporte aquático
- Esportes aquáticos dando
- Desportos náuticos
Ambar is a happy woman and always wears a smile wherever she goes. She looks like a happy University student who just aced her finals and you would never guess that she was a Cancun escort. She is the kind of girl that will make you happy in and out of the bedroom, and you will wake up in the morning with a smile. Her upbeat personality is enthralling. She is one of the most popular and requested escort at the spa. For questions and reservations, please click the link in the contact section below to go to my website. From there you can: 1) use the free 24/7 live chat, or 2) click on the WhatsApp number to text. You can also call , but it is for calls only. It does not accept text messages or work with WhatsApp.